P-Cure aims to shift treatment efficacy to a new, unprecedented level – a quantum leap forward in reducing the magnitude of internal organ motion and markedly improving imaging resolution.
P-Cure’s treatment solution is expected to yield improved dose distribution, thereby exposing healthy tissues and organs to significantly less radiation.
Our FDA-cleared, in-room diagnostic quality 4D CT is integrated in an adaptive therapy workflow, and combined with pencil beam scanning, ensuring the treatment plan is always updated and delivered to the patient with unprecedented precision.
Our solution, comparable in size to single floor linac rooms, is 5 smaller than a gantry room, and requires 50 percent less shielding.
The P-Cure Solution can reduce the capital costs of a proton center by 50 percent, providing wider availability of proton therapy and faster ROI.
Greater comfort, less organ movement, with potentially reduced collateral radiation to sensitive organs.